Ezekiel Deeproots – Witches of Sommar Campaign

180,00 ден550,00 ден

Ezekiel was a man born and raised within the depths of the Mirewood Marshlands, a place where survival meant understanding the ebb and flow of the swamp’s treacherous nature. He was one with the land, his senses honed to navigate the murky waters and tangled thickets that surrounded him. However, Ezekiel’s peaceful existence was shattered when Morvina invaded the swamps. Driven by her insatiable greed for resources and land, she sought to exploit the marshlands for her own gain, heedless of the delicate balance of nature and the creatures that called it home. Forcing Ezekiel to leave, but he wants to reclaim his old home.


Сликите на обоените модели се прикажани за инспирација и насока. Финалниот продукт може да се разликува од прикажаното, бидејќи секој обоен модел е рачно изработен со грижа и внимание на деталите. Доколку имате некоја специфична идеја во однос на боење на моделот, Ве молиме да не исконтактирате на емаил или на социјалните мрежи.


Once a realm of harmony and enchantment under the rule of Fairy Queen Titania Evergreen, has fallen into darkness. Morvina, a malevolent Baba Yaga Witch consumed by jealousy, seeks to dethrone Titania and corrupt the land. Heroes from various backgrounds come together to resist Morvina’s tyranny and restore balance to the marshlands.


Witcher of Somar Campaign

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1. Tabletop, 2. Decoration