Isis – The Bestiarium of The Mad Scholar – Campaign

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Not the brightest student to become a powerful mage, not the bravest student to run away and forge their own path, Isis was long trapped in between of the two worlds: being bold and being right. Until the comfort of plants came, and suddenly, Isis realized they didn’t have to choose if they didn’t want to.


Сликите на обоените модели се прикажани за инспирација и насока. Финалниот продукт може да се разликува од прикажаното, бидејќи секој обоен модел е рачно изработен со грижа и внимание на деталите. Доколку имате некоја специфична идеја во однос на боење на моделот, Ве молиме да не исконтактирате на емаил или на социјалните мрежи.


A mad scholar secluded in his tower, a once thriving wizardry school now closed off until further notice, decided to be the guardian of a collection of magical powerful beasts along with a mysterious tome called The Bestiarium. Suddenly, his beasts break free. What could go wrong?

 The Bestiarium of The Mad Scholar – Campaign

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Characters, NPC






1. Tabletop, 2. Decoration