Groto – Witches of Sommar Campaign

180,00 ден2.900,00 ден

A massive and ancient being known as Groto has emerged from the swamps. Standing tall and sturdy, with moss-covered skin and piercing green eyes, Groto was a formidable presence—a swamp giant unlike any other. It was born from the very essence of the marshlands, an embodiment of the primordial magic that coursed through the swamplands for ages untold. As the swamp giant matured, he became intimately connected to the rhythms and secrets of the marsh, developing a deep understanding of its delicate ecosystem.


Сликите на обоените модели се прикажани за инспирација и насока. Финалниот продукт може да се разликува од прикажаното, бидејќи секој обоен модел е рачно изработен со грижа и внимание на деталите. Доколку имате некоја специфична идеја во однос на боење на моделот, Ве молиме да не исконтактирате на емаил или на социјалните мрежи.


Once a realm of harmony and enchantment under the rule of Fairy Queen Titania Evergreen, has fallen into darkness. Morvina, a malevolent Baba Yaga Witch consumed by jealousy, seeks to dethrone Titania and corrupt the land. Heroes from various backgrounds come together to resist Morvina’s tyranny and restore balance to the marshlands.


Witcher of Somar Campaign

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1. Tabletop, 2. Decoration