This could be just another pirate story. But pirate stories are all the same, and this one? This is something you’ve never seen before.
180,00 ден – 550,00 ден
After an unusual acquaintance, Giovanni grew fond of the peculiar swordmaster Tako, and took upon himself to show him the wonders this land can offer. But not only seafood and ballads can a man live off, and soon the calling came. An enemy of Tako’s patron had emerged, and he could not refuse the fight. Giovanni was given the chance to leave, but he would not abandon his friend in the direst of moments. Besides, an epic battle leads to an epic tale.
Сликите на обоените модели се прикажани за инспирација и насока. Финалниот продукт може да се разликува од прикажаното, бидејќи секој обоен модел е рачно изработен со грижа и внимание на деталите. Доколку имате некоја специфична идеја во однос на боење на моделот, Ве молиме да не исконтактирате на емаил или на социјалните мрежи.
This could be just another pirate story. But pirate stories are all the same, and this one? This is something you’ve never seen before.
Miniatures | Characters, NPC |
Race | Human |
Class | Bard |
Големина | 1. Tabletop, 2. Decoration |
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