Vyesant – Montblanc Escapade Collection

180,00 ден550,00 ден

Since Lady Enya arrived at Montblanc, his life turned to hell. Her ruling was merciless and he was treated with the same contempt humans treated insects. He was tired of being less than vermin. He would show her his strength, Montblanc would be his as his adoptive father wanted it to be.


Сликите на обоените модели се прикажани за инспирација и насока. Финалниот продукт може да се разликува од прикажаното, бидејќи секој обоен модел е рачно изработен со грижа и внимание на деталите. Доколку имате некоја специфична идеја во однос на боење на моделот, Ве молиме да не исконтактирате на емаил или на социјалните мрежи.


Montblanc had been more than a regular place. Montblanc had been a statement, a place whose name would send shivers down people’s spines. Now, after a century of being deprived of it, a new ruler has been looking to restitute its former glory.

Дополнителни информации


Characters, NPC


Elf, Half-Elf


Cleric, Fighter, Paladin


1. Tabletop, 2. Decoration